Articles on: Physgun Gamepanel

How to create a MySQL Database

🗃️ How to create a MySQL Database for your Game Server

The Physgun Gamepanel provides a simple and easy solution for creating a MySQL database. Databases are useful for storing data and keeping deep backups without consuming a ton of disk space from alternative storage methods.

Creating a database

The following steps below will help you create a database.

Navigate to Your Server then head to the Management > Databases tab.
Once there at the top-right click Create to create your database
Select the available host
Choose a name for your database
(Optional) You can adjust the "Connection From" however please note you will not be-able to edit this. We recommend keeping it %.
Creating a database
Click "Submit" and you're done! You now have a MySQL database to use for your game server.

Using the database

Sometimes using a database can be pretty confusing but we'll try to help sort it all out!

Below is a legend to help with the available information on the database.
Database legend

The name column is considered the Database Name in most addons / plugins
The username column is considered the Username column in most addons / plugins
The password column is pretty self explanatory. You can click on the .... to reveal the password.
The connection column is for external connections. It is important to note if you are using the database on the same game server you should use the local ip instead.
The local IP for US servers are:
The local IP for EU servers are:

Updated on: 21/08/2024

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