Articles on: Garry's Mod

How to set yourself to superadmin (ULX/SAM/SAdmin)

Setting your rank to superadmin in your Garry's Mod Server

Making yourself a superadmin is one of the most important steps in owning a Garry's Mod server. Most addons that have no permissions only allow superadmins and those ranks that inherit superadmin to use them.

Note: Only people you really trust should have superadmin, it is basically the owner rank

Setting yourself to superadmin in ULX

ULX is still the most popular free admin suite, setting yourself to superadmin is very easy with ulx!

First make sure to join your server (if you don't you can use your steamid)
Afterwords navigate to the Console page on the Physgun Gamepanel

You can type the following into the Console to make yourself a superadmin:
ulx adduser "Your Username" superadmin

That's it for ULX!

Guide: How to install ULX

Setting yourself to superadmin in SAM

SAM is one of the most popular paid for admin suites, setting yourself to superadmin is also just as easy!
(Note you CANNOT delete the superadmin rank in SAM)

First make sure to join your server
Afterwords navigate to the Console page on the Physgun Gamepanel

You can type the following into the Console to make yourself a superadmin:
sam setrank "Your Username" superadmin

Now you should be a superadmin on SAM!

Setting yourself to superadmin in SAdmin

SAdmin is a notable mention for a paid admin mod, also very simple to add yourself to superadmin with it!

First make sure to join your server
Afterwords navigate to the Console page on the Physgun Gamepanel

You can type the following into the Console to make yourself a superadmin:
sa setrank "Your Username" superadmin

That should set your rank to superadmin on SAdmin!

Updated on: 27/04/2023

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